Male Pilates Classes – The Benefits

[one_half]Pilates is often commonly mis-perceived as a form of exercise for women. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Pilates focuses on increasing an individual’s strength, flexibility and control, all of which are key for both men and women alike. By developing these areas, we can learn to move and feel better. Clinical Pilates here at PhysioCare is taught by a Chartered Physiotherapist and can be used as part of the rehabilitation process. However, prevention is better than cure. So whether you are a long sufferer of back pain or are a keen athlete looking to improve sports performance, Pilates can help you to achieve your goals.[/one_half] [one_half_last][/one_half_last]

Some of the benefits of Male Pilates Classes include:

  • Improved muscle strength – Pilates helps develop strength in the pelvis, trunk and shoulder girdle. These are commonly referred to as your ‘core’ muscles. These are also common injury sites and, as a Chartered Physiotherapist, are routinely the areas which I find require the most attention for a strong, healthy and pain free body.
  • Improved flexibility – short, tight muscles are often prone to injury. Pilates helps to develop long, lean muscles through proper movement and stretching. This allows for a greater range of motion in muscles and joints and reduces the risk of injury.
  • Improved balance – Pilates helps to promote good movement patterns. It also challenges the body to move more efficiently. This enables the body to utilise often neglected muscles during certain movements and ensures a more balanced, well functioning body.
  • Provides a challenge – Pilates can prove to be an extremely challenging workout. Once the fundamental skills of Pilates are learned and applied to different exercises, these can then be progressed to further challenge the body. The more the individual applies themselves, the more they can get from Pilates.
  • Helps with other aspects of life – Pilates can help people function better in their day to day lives. This can include help them to lift more weight in the gym due to a stronger core; it can help with their golf game thanks to improved core control and flexibility; or it can help relieve pain and discomfort from daily activities.

Male Pilates ClassesPilates is a great form of exercise for both men and women of all ages. It helps us to develop strength and control in our bodies which can translate to improved movement, less pain and better overall functioning. Our male Pilates classes are starting in PhysioCare Carrickmines (Unit 2 Carrickmines Manor, Glenamuck Road, Carrickmines, Dublin 18) on Saturday 14th January from 12:00 – 1:00p.m. The class runs for seven weeks and costs €140. To book and secure your place, call us on 015310007 and we can take a deposit over the phone