Why Do My Joints Click…?

Why do my joints click? Commonly within PhysioCare, patients present with lots of concern and worry with regards to clicking and grating of joints within their body. A patient’s belief system can often lead to altered behavior which has a negative impact upon their quality of life and daily function and ultimately the condition of…


RESISTANCE TRAINING.   Resistance training, also known as strength training or weight training has numerous benefits including increases in strength, muscle mass, and bone density. It will not only make you strong, but can also help with managing your weight, gain body confidence, improve your quality of life and can actually slow down or even…

Benefits of a Personal Trainer

Benefits of a Personal  Trainer. Faster and better results When coming from a sedentary lifestyle, it’s a big change to exercising on a regular basis. Most people find it hard in the beginning but having a personal trainer to guide you through your fitness routine, will help make sure you are spending time on the…

Diastasis Recti ( Abdominal Separation )

  Diastasis Recti ( Abdominal Separation ) What is a Diastasis Recti? A diastasis recti is where the linea alba widens more than the average anywhere along its length. Ultrasound studies have examined the average distance at three standard points along the linea alba – at the bottom of the sternum, 3cm above the umbilicus (bellybutton)…

The Benefits of Post Natal Pilates

The Benefits of Post Natal Pilates. Here at PhysioCare we provide one-on-one or small group post natal Pilates classes led by a Chartered Physiotherapist. What are the benefits of post natal Pilates?   During and after pregnancy, the core and pelvic floor muscles become stretched and weakened. It is important to gently build these back…

Osteoporosis Class – Why Balance Exercises?

Osteoporosis Class – Why Balance Exercises? As mentioned in previous blog posts (link to mine and Cal’s blogs), Osteoporosis is a disease which affects the density of bones. One of the major implications this has, is that it increases a person’s risk of sustaining a fracture, particularly after a fall or traumatic injury.As a result…

Osteoporosis Class – A Look Inside the Class

Healthy Bones Class – A Look Inside the Class What is Healthy Bones Class? We aim to help treat Osteoporosis sufferers.  Osteoporosis is a condition that affects the density and strength of your bones, increasing the risk of fracture. There are no symptoms of Osteoporosis so often it is not diagnosed until after a fracture.…

Osteoporosis Class Starting at PhysioCare

Osteoporosis Class Starting at PhysioCare What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a condition which causes the bones to become weak and brittle. Osteoporosis affects the density of the bone, causing it to become more fragile and thus increasing the risk of fractures. It typically affects women more than men, but it is not exclusive to women. One…