How do I know if my Fitness Professional is any good?fitness professional

With the explosion of the fitness industry in recent years and the massive influx of the fitness professional of all types, it has become increasingly difficult to identify those driven by the desire to help you achieve your goals and those motivated by money and ego (both of which are rampant in the industry). Luckily there are both good and bad behaviours which will help you to identify who is good for you and who just wants your money. Here is an eight point plan to help you out. Be on the lookout for such behaviours and don’t be afraid to call out your fitness instructors/trainers on any of the above if you observe them. Remember that you are paying these professionals for their ability to teach you and help you reach your goals whatever they may be. They need to be held to a high standard for your own benefit! If you are currently attending the PhysioGym in either Carrickmines or Blanchardstown don’t be afraid to let us know how we scored!

1. Social Media Use – Bragging, Memes and Faux-Inspiration

A Good Trainer will:

  • Have relevant content on their social media page.
  • Share articles from other professionals which are well researched and useful.
  • Have testimonials/posts from clients.

Be wary if:

  • The page is covered in pictures of themselves with their tops off.
  • There are countless memes that don’t offer anything but background noise to the page.
  • There are faux-inspirational quotes; these suggest laziness and a willingness to produce useless content to cover up the act that they have nothing to say.

2. Are they prepared for YOU?

A Good Trainer will:

  • Be ready for you. The session will be planned (maybe written on a board so you can see).
  • They will also be familiar with your history and any issues you may have  (pain etc.) and so be ready to adapt the session if needed.

Be wary if:

  • They seem unprepared and seem to be making it up as they go along.
  • They have no written plan or way of recording what you have successfully completed. How else are they going to monitor your progress?

3. Do they know YOU?

A Good Fitness Professional will:

  • Know your name.
  • Know you history.
  • Know your circumstances and ability and tailor sessions to meet these needs.

Be wary if:

  • They don’t take the time to learn your name, circumstances (job/family/goals/exercise history) and abilities.
  • If they stop learning about you as an individual it suggests that they have lost interest in you. This usually happen once you’ve paid your money!

4. Do they engage with you and correct you during your sessions?

A Good Trainer will:

  • Provide feedback on your ability.
  • Correct any mistakes you have made.
  • Explain why these corrections need to be made and generally be involved with you throughout the session.

Be wary if:

  • They appear distant, provide general and non-specific feedback (shouting ‘come on’ every so often and counting down time/reps) constantly. Neither of these improve the quality of your session.
  • They spend all their time on their phone. Always a no-no!
  • They spend all their time with their friends or with the good looking person in the corner if in a group exercise class. Everybody is equal in the class and deserves the same level of attention and respect.

5. Do they take part in the class/session or spend their time helping you?

A Good Trainer will:

  • Teach during the session.
  • They will correct where necessary and explain everything that you do.

Be wary if:

  • They do the exercise alongside you. A demonstration at the start and feedback on your efforts are what you need. You don’t need to see it done constantly. If you are unsure stop and ask if it needs correction! In addition how can they develop and provide feedback on your (for example) press ups if they are doing them beside you. Think of all the angles they need to see a press up from to ensure it is being performed properly. How can they get such details form a single angle and view?  They cannot and are more interested in showing off than actually teaching and providing the feedback you require.

6. Have you heard them saying “I don’t know”?

A Good Fitness Professional will:

  • Occasionally say ‘I don’t know’ but will have answers at your next session.
  • Good trainers are knowledgeable but also willing to admit when they do not know the answer to a question. However they will research the issue and be well informed when you next see them.

Be wary if:

  • They clearly don’t know the answer but try to bluff their way through it. Being insecure about not knowing everything suggests that they are not sufficiently confident to acknowledge their limitations (which we all have!).
  • They tell you they don’t know but provide no answers in the next session. They have either forgotten about your questions or have been too lazy to research the issue. Either way it’s not good!
  • They constantly tell you they don’t know. Occasionally is fine but they should have enough education and knowledge to be able to answer the majority of your questions.

7. Are they constantly trying to sell you something?

A Good Trainer will:

  • Let their methods and results speak for themselves. If they are confident in their ability to help you they will not be constantly trying to sell you more sessions/supplements etc..
  • Understand that real results are a long term plan and will engage with you to achieve your goals.

Be wary if:

  • There is always something else they want you to pay for. Instead of investing their time in you, your session and education, they are constantly talking money and products that you absolutely need which they conveniently happen to sell.
  • Try to squeeze you for a lot of products/sessions at the beginning. This suggests that they are not in it for the long term (which is required for results) and that they think you will be in it short term and so need to squeeze every Euro from you. It also indicates that this has happened before and so their methods are either unsuccessful or unsustainable.

8. Can they refer you to another Fitness Professional?

A Good Fitness Professional will:

  • Refer you to fellow health professionals if necessary.
  • They should have a trusted network of doctors, physiotherapists, movement specialists and fellow trainers that may be better suited to fulfilling your needs.

Be wary if:

  • They claim they can fix everything. Gym instructors should not be diagnosing medical conditions or potential injury status. They are simply not qualified. By having such a network it shows that they are trusted by other professionals.

Our personal trainers and class instructors work from our PhysioGym locations in Carrickmines and Blanchardstown. They teach group classes and personal one-to-one personal training sessions. Call us on 015310007 to reserve your place or book a session.