Five Reasons That People Don’t Go to the Gym or Exercise
Have you ever thought that you wanted to start attending the gym? Maybe you have something in your future that you want to look and feel great for? Or have you seen ‘gym people’ and thought you wanted the same results? Maybe you’ve seen a television programme and wondered if you could do that? Yet for some reason it has never happened. So we have listed reasons below that people have given for not exercising and see if you recognise any that apply to yourself. If you see your reasons for not exercising in the list perhaps it is time you consider contacting the expert team at PhysioCare to book in for a Personal Training session.
Reason 1: I don’t know what I’m doing
What it sounds like:
‘There’s so much stuff in gyms I wouldn’t know where to start’
‘Look at all the machines… I wouldn’t know how to use them’
‘How am I supposed to know what I should be doing?’
Why PhysioGym Carrickmines
Good News – you don’t have to know this! In the PhysioGym all of this is done for you. All you need to do is turn up and you will be shown everything. Not only that, you will be taught each exercise, the do’s and don’ts and how to progress it so that in time you will be able to design your own gym programme without our help. Each session in the PhysioGym is different, containing all new exercises to learn and master so that in time you will have built a substantial base of exercises from which to choose. My background in teaching and lecturing means that I am ideally suited to walking you through the whole process.
Reason 2: I’m scared of the gym
What it sounds like:
‘People there will be looking at me and judging me’
‘I feel like I’d just be getting in the way of others’
‘It’s a pretty intimidating place’
Why PhysioGym Carrickmines
At the PhysioGym we offer personal training and small group classes which eliminates judgement from other users. We have trained everyone between the ages of 12-84 years old so he has seen it all before. He will walk you through anything and everything you need. Additionally (and unlike bigger gyms), we don’t have huge weights slamming down all around. What we have is an appreciation that lifting huge weights isn’t for everybody. Variety of exercise, a little creativity and agreed upon goals is enough for us to help us to get you where you need to get.
Reason 3: It’ll be hard and it’ll hurt
What it sounds like:
‘I’m afraid I won’t be able to move the next day’
‘I won’t be able to lift anything in the gym’
‘I won’t be good at it
Why PhysioGym Carrickmines
Here with me, there is no such thing as good or bad. There is simply what you as an individual can do. There is no comparing yourself to others. You are as good as you are. Our goal here is to make you a little bit better every time you come through the door. You will probably be surprised by what you can do! Although you will feel it, it shouldn’t hurt. In our opinion that is a failure in planning. What we aim to do is challenge you. Small, sustained improvements every session are the goal here. Consistency of improvement will lead to long lasting change.
Reason 4: I am/have been injured and don’t want it to happen again
What it sounds like:
‘The last time I went to the gym I hurt my back’
‘My shoulder is a little sore so I better not start’
‘I have pain in my knee so the gym isn’t for me’
Why PhysioGym Carrickmines
The clue is in the name here! Many of the people in the PhysioGym have been referred from the team of Chartered Physiotherapists at PhysioCare for active rehabilitation. My Masters Degree in Exercise Rehabilitation means that I am ideally suited for working to improve function in injured body parts. I am constantly in contact with the team of Chartered Physiotherapists who work together to provide you with the best outcome. This teamwork and combined expertise is what sets us apart from other gyms.
Reason 5: I don’t want to do the crazy diets you’ll put me on
What it sounds like:
‘I don’t want to be eating vegetables ten times a day’
‘You’ll try to make me give up my wine/chocolate/cake at the weekend’
‘I never stick to diets so there’s no point’
Why PhysioGym Carrickmines
Nutrition advice is an option at the PhysioGym. We don’t force it on anyone. We understand that losing weight is not everybody’s goal in the gym. If you do want a bit of help our solution is not a drastic dietary overhaul. Consistent, small changes that are sustainable long term are our favoured method rather than huge, sudden changes which never last. Long term change is our goal. Finally what I have learned through experience is that there are some things people just won’t give up. Luckily there are alternatives and compromises that can be made. So your wine/chocolate/cake is safe (but maybe a little less of it eventually).