Myths surrounding Low Back Pain Back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. In Ireland, low back pain accounts for 25% of all GP visits and is the main reason people are absent from work. Although low back pain is common, it is evident that there is confusion surrounding what causes back pain and…


Pilates move of the week……Single leg stretch   Single leg stretch is one of the most common core exercises found in Pilates. It is a great exercise to implement during a warm up routine. This particular exercise helps with not only core strength but also coordination, stability of the pelvis and endurance. Single leg stretch…


ALL ABOUT THE ACHILLES TENDON The Achilles Tendon is made up of the tendinous fibres from three contributing muscles, that are commonly referred to as the calf, which is situated at back of the lower leg. The major  muscles are called the gastrocnemius and under it is the soleus allow flexion of the knee and…

Getting Motivated.

GETTING MOTIVATED…….. So you have been promising yourself for weeks …(months…) you would get fit and take up walking, joining or a little bit of both. Some days we need a little more of a push out the door than others, so just like your running programme, you should also have a plan to maintain…

Common Sports Related Injuries

World Cup Year – Common sports related injuries Here at PhysioCare, we see a diverse amount of pathologies and conditions, with it being a World Cup year around the corner let’s discuss the most common injuries that can occur while playing sports, we often see here in our clinics. Sports injuries can often be as…

Foot Scan and Orthotic Assessment

Foot Scan and Orthotic Assessment You asked and we listened – we have extended our offer for a Half Price Foot Scan and Orthotic Assessment until the end of July 2017 due to popular demand. Foot Pain? Back Pain? Knee Pain? We can help. Call us on 015310007 to avail of this offer and read…

Running Injuries and Prevention

Running Injuries and Prevention With the marathon season upon us . . . . . . it is important to make sure you finish the race injury free. Running can place high demands on the body leading to stressed tissues resulting in injuries. Common injuries encountered during running include overuse injuries, muscle tears, plantar fascitis…

Older Peoples Day 2016

Older People’s Day 2016 October 1st marks older peoples day 2016 and an initiative by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy to “celebrate the achievements of and contribution older people make to society” and highlight “the role of physiotherapy in enabling older people to remain healthy and independent.” Indeed both statements are true. The older generation…