Tips On Staying Active Over Christmas

Tips On Staying Active This Christmas   Christmas can be a difficult time to navigate when it comes to exercise. Even if fitness is important to you, it can sometimes be difficult to pry yourself away from the paté, put down the glass of red and get outside into the elements.  Worry not, your friends…

Chronic Pain And You

Did you know 1 in 5 individuals are affected by chronic pain? Are you one of them?   Chronic pain is a term health care professionals use which refers to any pain that extends beyond the expected healing time. In Ireland, 1 in 5 individuals are affected by chronic pain to the point which it…


FOAM ROLLER – How Does It Work And Who Should Be Using It.   Foam Rolling has become a much talked about topic in recent years but what exactly is it and how does it work? Foam rolling is a method in which we can ‘self-release’ our muscles to massage out any tightness in the…


ALTERNATIVES TO RUNNING WHILE INJURED   Injuries afflict most of us at some point. When addressed early, many injuries can be resolved with rest and training plan adjustments. But more serious injuries may require months away from running. How can you best stay fit during all that time off? No athlete wants to be sidelined…

Pelvic Floor Prolapse

Pelvic Organ Prolapse 97% of women are unaware they have pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse occurs due to weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, ligaments and connective tissue that attach to it. If you can imagine a hammock with good tension in the middle, but over time the tension slackens off and as you…


Getting Active at Work Sitting is the new smoking. Studies show that sitting for long periods will increase your risks of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and early death. We spend hours sitting at a desks, in lectures, watching films, reading or driving. These sedentary hours can have a detrimental impact on our health,…


ALL ABOUT THE ACHILLES TENDON The Achilles Tendon is made up of the tendinous fibres from three contributing muscles, that are commonly referred to as the calf, which is situated at back of the lower leg. The major  muscles are called the gastrocnemius and under it is the soleus allow flexion of the knee and…


Active Rehabilitation for back pain 80% of adults report lower back pain at some point in their lives and 10-15% of all sports-related injuries involve the spine. Low back pain accounts for more lost person hours than any other type of occupational injury and is the most frequent cause of activity limitation in those under…

Common Sports Related Injuries

World Cup Year – Common sports related injuries Here at PhysioCare, we see a diverse amount of pathologies and conditions, with it being a World Cup year around the corner let’s discuss the most common injuries that can occur while playing sports, we often see here in our clinics. Sports injuries can often be as…