Why Is My Neck Sore…?

Why Is My Neck Sore….? Causes Neck pain is a common problem, with two-thirds of the population experiencing Neck Pain  at some point in their lives. Waking up with neck and shoulder pain is a common problem. Persistent use of your arms i.e. driving or computer use can present in a similar fashion. Sources of neck…


FOAM ROLLER – How Does It Work And Who Should Be Using It.   Foam Rolling has become a much talked about topic in recent years but what exactly is it and how does it work? Foam rolling is a method in which we can ‘self-release’ our muscles to massage out any tightness in the…


Patellofemoral Pain   Knee pain is a common problem, both in the general population and sports people. It accounts for a large portion of 20-40% of all GP practice visits related to the musculoskeletal system, and is a common problem we see in Physiocare. There can be several causes and types of knee pain, and…


Pilates for Fibromyalgia According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is an increasingly recognised chronic pain illness characterised by widespread musculoskeletal aches, pain and stiffness, soft tissue tenderness, general fatigue and sleep disturbances. While the cause and etiology of FMS is unknown, FMS affects between 90,000 to 180, 000 people in Ireland: more…


Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques Whenever the body is performing repeated movements, be they athletic or occupational it is very, the quality of your muscle function depends in part on your ability to relax.  This can be a very challenging to accomplish in a fast paced world. There are a variety of relaxation techniques to choose…


CHRONIC PAIN AND ACTIVE REHABILITATION Most of us have had the experience of having a paper cut feel like it’s a “Centre of our universe” pain, while we may have broken a limb or severely injured ourselves in another circumstance and not noticed until later on.  How can something as trivial as a paper cut…


RESISTANCE TRAINING.   Resistance training, also known as strength training or weight training has numerous benefits including increases in strength, muscle mass, and bone density. It will not only make you strong, but can also help with managing your weight, gain body confidence, improve your quality of life and can actually slow down or even…

Benefits of a Personal Trainer

Benefits of a Personal  Trainer. Faster and better results When coming from a sedentary lifestyle, it’s a big change to exercising on a regular basis. Most people find it hard in the beginning but having a personal trainer to guide you through your fitness routine, will help make sure you are spending time on the…

Osteoporosis Class – A Look Inside the Class

Healthy Bones Class – A Look Inside the Class What is Healthy Bones Class? We aim to help treat Osteoporosis sufferers.  Osteoporosis is a condition that affects the density and strength of your bones, increasing the risk of fracture. There are no symptoms of Osteoporosis so often it is not diagnosed until after a fracture.…