Older Peoples Day 2016

Older People’s Day 2016 October 1st marks older peoples day 2016 and an initiative by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy to “celebrate the achievements of and contribution older people make to society” and highlight “the role of physiotherapy in enabling older people to remain healthy and independent.” Indeed both statements are true. The older generation…

What is Corrective Exercise?

Research and evidence has proven that exercise therapy helps you get and feel better if you are suffering from a wide range of injures and conditions such as back, hip and neck pain. But if exercises are completed incorrectly with poor form and poor posture, you will not receive the full benefit from them and…

How Physiotherapy Targets Back and Joint Pain

A Neurofen ad was recently banned over misleading claims that the painkiller could specifically target back and joint pain. After complains about this misleading nature were made, the UK Advertising Standards Authority banned the ad and were in agreement “Because the ad implied the product had a special mechanism which meant it specifically targeted back…

Work Aches, Pains and Injuries – We can help

Carrying out the tasks that your job requires can place a stress on the body. Whether based mostly at a desk/in an office environment (sedentary) or in a more physical role such as on a building site (active); the constant wear and tear of your joints and muscles can result in pain and discomfort. PhysioCare…

How Exercise Therapy Assists Active Rehabilitation For All

In conjunction with physiotherapy treatment and other various treatment methods such as manipulation, massage and acupuncture and non-invasive medical technologies such as ultrasound and shockwave; exercise therapy is a tried and tested form of therapy that assists in active rehabilitation. Exercise therapy can be applied to any injury or condition and is personalised by our…

Ways to Treat Hip Pain

Hip pain can stem from a number of different problems. For example pain associated with a foot injury can travel up the leg and into ones hip. This pathway of pain can have debilitating effects on everyday life with activities such as walking and sitting becoming painful and uncomfortable. In certain patients their condition may…