Running Injuries and Prevention

Running Injuries and Prevention With the marathon season upon us . . . . . . it is important to make sure you finish the race injury free. Running can place high demands on the body leading to stressed tissues resulting in injuries. Common injuries encountered during running include overuse injuries, muscle tears, plantar fascitis…

Older Peoples Day 2016

Older People’s Day 2016 October 1st marks older peoples day 2016 and an initiative by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy to “celebrate the achievements of and contribution older people make to society” and highlight “the role of physiotherapy in enabling older people to remain healthy and independent.” Indeed both statements are true. The older generation…

World Physiotherapy Day 2016

World Physiotherapy Day 2016 – Add Life to Years World Physiotherapy Day 2016 takes place on Thursday 8th September and the theme this year is ‘Add Life to Years.’ This theme means to highlight how Physiotherapy Treatment and Exercise Therapy can add to the quality of life of the older patient by keeping them active and…

Sports Aches, Pains and Injuries – We can help

The physical activities involved with sports can have a high impact on the body. As a result of this, it is no surprise that bodily injuries and conditions arise due to sporting injuries; so much so that some injuries are named after them i.e. swimmer’s shoulder. Physiotherapy treatment can help those with sports injuries to…

Arthritis – How PhysioCare Can Help You

Arthritis – How PhysioCare Can Help You Information: Arthritis (also known as osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease) is the oft times painful ‘wear and tear’ of joint. Associated symptoms and sources of discomfort can include an overgrowth of bone (osteophytes), narrowing of the joint space, sclerosis or hardening of bone at the joint surface and…

Arthritis and Appointment Waiting Times

Arthritis and Appointment Waiting Times A recent survey by Arthritis Ireland uncovered that appointment waiting times to be treated for the condition are not getting any quicker. Specifically focusing on adolescent arthritis as part of their ‘Children with Arthritis Awareness Month’, the survey revealed that 32% of parents had been waiting six months or more…