What Is Dry Needling?

What is Dry Needling? Dry needling is a therapeutic technique using filament needles to release trigger points, which are taut bands in muscles. Dry needling is sometimes referred to as Western Acupuncture. How can dry needling be used?  These taut bands can be a source of pain both locally and referred. Common examples are “knots”…

Tips On Staying Active Over Christmas

Tips On Staying Active This Christmas   Christmas can be a difficult time to navigate when it comes to exercise. Even if fitness is important to you, it can sometimes be difficult to pry yourself away from the paté, put down the glass of red and get outside into the elements.  Worry not, your friends…


What is fibromyalgia?   Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain throughout the body that has been ongoing for over 3 months duration with no other disorder that can otherwise explain the pain. Other hallmark features of fibromyalgia include disturbance in sleep, physical exhaustion, mood disturbance and cognitive difficulties.…


Patellofemoral Pain   Knee pain is a common problem, both in the general population and sports people. It accounts for a large portion of 20-40% of all GP practice visits related to the musculoskeletal system, and is a common problem we see in Physiocare. There can be several causes and types of knee pain, and…


How good is your desk posture? Now we are all back to work after a wonderful Christmas break, let’s start the New Year off right, with a quick desk posture check. We see too many workplace injuries that could be avoided. And prevention is better than cure. Here are a few helpful hints you can…

Getting Motivated.

GETTING MOTIVATED…….. So you have been promising yourself for weeks …(months…) you would get fit and take up walking, joining or a little bit of both. Some days we need a little more of a push out the door than others, so just like your running programme, you should also have a plan to maintain…

Some Myths Surrounding Physiotherapy Explained…….

Some Myths Surrounding Physiotherapy Explained……. With many aspects of health and fitness, it is inevitable that the truth can be twisted and myths can arise in relation to certain things. Physiotherapy is no different with what people know and what people expect often differing from fact. Below we have broken down some common myths for…

Older Peoples Day 2016

Older People’s Day 2016 October 1st marks older peoples day 2016 and an initiative by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy to “celebrate the achievements of and contribution older people make to society” and highlight “the role of physiotherapy in enabling older people to remain healthy and independent.” Indeed both statements are true. The older generation…

Work Aches, Pains and Injuries – We can help

Carrying out the tasks that your job requires can place a stress on the body. Whether based mostly at a desk/in an office environment (sedentary) or in a more physical role such as on a building site (active); the constant wear and tear of your joints and muscles can result in pain and discomfort. PhysioCare…