What is a Caesarean Section?

Caesarean Sections What is a Caesarean Section? Caesarean section (CS) is an increasingly common abdominal surgical procedure, both worldwide and in Ireland, with an average national rate of 32% according to a National Report by the HSE in 2017. It describes a surgical approach to deliver a baby, where an incision is made through the…

Tennis Elbow

TENNIS ELBOW   Lateral elbow tendinopathy, or ‘Tennis Elbow’, is the diagnosis prescribed to individuals experiencing persistent pain on the lateral aspect of the elbow radiating through the forearm. The pain can be acute or chronic depending on the longevity of the symptoms which are typically accompanied by loss of function or difficulty with everyday…


Post Operation Care Hip Replacement This is a surgical procedure where an arthritic hip is removed and replaced with a prosthetic implant. Physiotherapy following hip replacement involves strengthening the muscles around the hip joint, re-educating walking pattern, and getting the movement back in the hip. Knee Replacement A knee replacement is a surgery where the weight-bearing…

Tips On Staying Active Over Christmas

Tips On Staying Active This Christmas   Christmas can be a difficult time to navigate when it comes to exercise. Even if fitness is important to you, it can sometimes be difficult to pry yourself away from the paté, put down the glass of red and get outside into the elements.  Worry not, your friends…


Patellofemoral Pain   Knee pain is a common problem, both in the general population and sports people. It accounts for a large portion of 20-40% of all GP practice visits related to the musculoskeletal system, and is a common problem we see in Physiocare. There can be several causes and types of knee pain, and…


ALTERNATIVES TO RUNNING WHILE INJURED   Injuries afflict most of us at some point. When addressed early, many injuries can be resolved with rest and training plan adjustments. But more serious injuries may require months away from running. How can you best stay fit during all that time off? No athlete wants to be sidelined…

Pelvic Floor Prolapse

Pelvic Organ Prolapse 97% of women are unaware they have pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse occurs due to weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, ligaments and connective tissue that attach to it. If you can imagine a hammock with good tension in the middle, but over time the tension slackens off and as you…


Clinical Pilates for Kyphosis The arrows emphasize the kyphosis. While the first image reflects a kyphosis of about 20 degrees, which is average, the third image reflects hyperkyphosis – when there’s a thoracic curvature of greater than 40 degrees Kyphosis  Is commonly known as having a “hunchback.” Kyphosis is an excessive outward curvature of the…


Injury Management It’s the end of January and many of us will have started a new exercise routine.  Occasionally we trip, fall or get tackled causing an injury, it’s inevitable.  It happens and it just means you’re human! PhysioCare are here to help and get you back in the game. Our advice is to book…