Diastasis Recti ( Abdominal Separation )

  Diastasis Recti ( Abdominal Separation ) What is a Diastasis Recti? A diastasis recti is where the linea alba widens more than the average anywhere along its length. Ultrasound studies have examined the average distance at three standard points along the linea alba – at the bottom of the sternum, 3cm above the umbilicus (bellybutton)…

What is Corrective Exercise?

Research and evidence has proven that exercise therapy helps you get and feel better if you are suffering from a wide range of injures and conditions such as back, hip and neck pain. But if exercises are completed incorrectly with poor form and poor posture, you will not receive the full benefit from them and…

How Exercise Therapy Assists Active Rehabilitation For All

In conjunction with physiotherapy treatment and other various treatment methods such as manipulation, massage and acupuncture and non-invasive medical technologies such as ultrasound and shockwave; exercise therapy is a tried and tested form of therapy that assists in active rehabilitation. Exercise therapy can be applied to any injury or condition and is personalised by our…

How your body tells you that it may need Physiotherapy

by David Dalton Our body let’s us know if it needs something or if something isn’t right. This usually takes the form of pain or an increased consciousness of a certain part of the body. While this often is not serious, it is still a cause for concern due to the fact that your body…